Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Horse of a Different Color

This mare and her foal are definitely horses of a different color. This mosaic was inspired by the incredible art of the late Laurel Burch who made the world a more colorful and vibrant place.

This was a fun piece to work on and I let it happen as it would--not a lot of real forethought--just went with the flow. I do definitely prefer working with glass over tile, and the blue and green glass were works of art all on their own. I couldn't bring myself to cut the green into pieces, so I kept it as intact as possible to keep the beauty whole. Glass is just so cool. Actually a solid liquid--go figure that one out!

I love the femininity of the mare and the cockiness of her bright-eyed colt. In someone's world there very well may be horses of these colors!


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