Tuesday, April 26, 2011

I spent a good part of the afternoon in my studio (space heater on HIGH!) since it was cold and stormy outside. I do get more done in the studio during bad weather; in good weather I spend most afternoons with my horses! I am now at an impasse with the table, though; I do not have the tile I need to finish. I have placed an order for several shades of blue unglazed porcelain---I just hope I like the color. It's hard to order on-line when I can't hold the tile and see the colors in person. It will be a week until delivery.

I still need to make several grout samples. To do this I will mosaic a set of four coasters. They will have the same tiles/glass/colors as the table, but I will use four different grouts--one on each. This will help me determine which grout will look best. I usually prefer very dark grout in my pieces, but sometimes other colors work better. We'll just play around and make a set of coasters to go with the table.

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